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IM SICK OF HER. Best of luck, Phyllis. Lets do it. It is taking so much away from the rest of the show. Im a JAM fan and all, but I dont think the dragging out of the JAM storyline is hurting the comedy in this season one iota. Perhaps we will find Pam declaring her love in Cocktails? chicago, illinois. thats on the narrative of the the christmas episode on the DVD from season 2. The (drunken) dancing of Karen at the end, not all that flattering to her. Please, people. Im reminded of Neils line to David Brent from the BBC version: Youre acting like a petulant child. Yep. Director Ken Whittingham Writers Greg Daniels Caroline Williams Ricky Gervais Stars Steve Carell Rainn Wilson John Krasinski It is just really frustrating to watch. Its your wedding. These characters are great and really need to Thanks. i have been obsessively refreshing this page for the past 3.5 hrs!! Speaking of the documentary guys, I found it very unrealistic that they would let the elderly Uncle Al wander in traffic and just stand there and film it. I know that it is entirely possible that people dance around their almost-relationships for years and years. Best part of this episode (aside from the Jim and Pam dorky dancer conversation and Pams furtive glances): Tobys date catching the bouquet and Toby being all excited. I heard that Rainn is hosting SNL in a few weeks, any truth to this? electric city man, #482. Im on the west coast and didnt get to watch it yet.but im already really mad.. Arughchagh. This may be crazy butregarding the documentary feel, arent they all miked up? Summary (NBC): Phyllis regrets giving Michael an important job at her wedding after several embarrassing moments. In fact Pam reverts back to trained and past behavior too by leaving with Roy. And Roy needs to stop being someone he is not. Thats the thing about bear attacks. This is my first post, but I love this site and I love the show. Break left. But it no longer does. About marriage. neither of them smiles at anyone else in the whole world the way they smile at each other. I uh guess I wasnt really too involved in the planning. I was so sad to see PB&J Missed another opportunity to connect.They were so close. better than last weeks, but i hope that next weeks is better. Dwight was absolutely hilarious tonight, and it is great to see him come so far from where he was a few months ago. i loved the part where he drags the wheelchair down the aisle!!! Shes asked me to push her fathers wheelchair down the aisle. If Jim really felt the magic with Pam the way WE did, he would not have abandonded it so quickly. Jim has become too self absorbed and now that he is with Karen he isnt alone and desperate for companionship which is why he can repress his feelings for Pam. I guess what I am trying to say is that I do trust the writers and do expect that this will all lead somewhere. Ya know, thinking more about it, if they insist on bringing Andy back, I think Id like to see him and Meredith briefly hook up. I lost my train of thought. Pam and Roy will be short lived I predict meltdown by next week. The characters are developing into deeper personalities with more complexities. If this was last year, Im betting that Roy would not have gone with Pam. YES!!! And I really like season 3, so thats saying a lot! the only reason pam went with roy is to fill a temporary void.she and roy were the only single ones and she was just lonely. With Pam, its always baby steps. The writing was so scattered and inconsistant. What was the name of the song that Karen was singing on stage? It was good for Phyllis, but that dress was NOT Pam at all. Even though she isnt in love with him anymore, I understand why she would leave with him, if not for any other reason than to just get the hell out of there. I dont get this thought. So, I will wait, cringe, be frustrated because Jim and Pam cant ever seem to spit out their true feelings for each otherI am willing to go the distance because I know they will eventually end up together. The Office fansite for NBC's hit comedy, The Office. I am so impatient! Hey there! damn it!!!! Another great episode, but I was hoping someone could help me. Shes not going to put her feelings or desires above Jims happiness. Pam is the one who made in effort at getting Jim to act like a friend again, and I think shes been pretty good at sending signals to him without compromising her work relationship with Karen. Now Im just wondering if he bought a new toaster for Phyllis and Bob (because thats just his standard wedding gift), or if he gave them the one he bought for Pam and Roy? I guess I fail to see how any of what happened last night was contrived in terms of the dreaded quad. But its an even bigger day for me. It isnt that simple in real life so its not going to be that simple on the show. Hes like a new man. He was embarassing to the point that I couldnt even watch it anymore. well with ram together i will be watching the message boards until they are done so i can watch the show again, Pretty good episode, but it was so painful to see Jim admit that he didnt Pam was interested in him. -Phylliss uncle attempting to cross the street I cant believe Im actually doing this! oh man, that made my day. Break left. Just my two cents, though. Sometimes its just easier not to resist. i totally understand the whole jam thing. Yet, these people still cling to these jobs out of fear of the unknown. But I gotta say a woman that gives up everything and moves to a small, sleepy town for a guy that may not be into her isnt really above being desperate to hold onto said guy. STOP BEING MAD AT JIM. And you, and you, and you. A loser would of married the Roy who treated her like crap. Toby brings an unbelievably gorgeous date to Phyllis' wedding. -I think Stanleys wife was played by someone else in the dundees episode. They had better make it up to me next week or . I mean, she didnt just break up with Roy because of Jim. He proclaimed he had to get her back, he snuck her out of a grief counseling session (much like Jim would do), he bought her a meaningful Christmas present, they bonded over their aborted honeymoon plans, and now they are together at what is virtually THEIR wedding reception. They were so close tonoght, but I really did see the whole roy pam thing coming again, theyll break up soon though. After watching it a second time though, the over the top Michael stuff didnt bother me that much. But LOL at Ryan!!! I think this episode would have been better (though it was very good to begin with!) Huh. I love these characters, but they werent given much in this story. But when Roy screws up about complimenting phyllys wedding then spends 20 bucks on a song thats all Pam needs :P. ARGH. ok i saw the roy/pam thing coming back, but it still bugs me. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. After all, he misinterpreted everything last time. We also played our bassists wedding, and our guitarists wedding. Oh, I saw it coming a million miles away. I mean, I understand it though Ive been that single girl at a wedding where everyone else has someoneand you are literally willing to be with anyone that even sneezes at you. Tough luck, Pammy. In order to get six weeks' leave for her honeymoon, Phyllis asked Michael to be in the wedding party, which ramps his social awkwardness up to eleven. Roy expresses regret over his lack of involvement in their wedding plans and There have been several comments about Dwights talking head being ridiculous writing but it may have been an improvisation by Rainn from something more tame and less amusing. This was a painful but necessary step along their route together. Does anyone else glad that wasnt actually Pams wedding? Jill I love you. pam did an oh-so-typical thing. Phyllis just stole all of my ideas for our wedding. As far as Pam goes Ive been there. HANG ON!! I bought a ticket for Grizzly Man and went into the wrong theatre. It something realistically that a lot of girls would do. Thats not contrived, thats just one more step along the way of the *storyline*. last few steps down the aisle under his own power. It would be cool if Michael had him sent to an anger management course after his wall punching incident. I give this ep a 6.5 at best. The funny characters are the ones who dont try so hard Jim, Pam, Phyllis, Stanley, Toby theyre dead on. So theres a bit of familiarity and comfort that Roy brings to the table as well. I dont think my little Jam heart could take another summer of cliffhanging. Thank you very much. OK so I just watched it again. Maybe hes a different guy. Toby says, "We met at the gym, why is that so hard for everyone to believe?" When Phyllis tosses her bouquet, it is Toby's date that catches it, and then excitedly runs back to Toby and the two share a brief . It is called Movin On (and is by Elliot Yamin, from last years American Idol). thanks. First My favorite part of the episodeTobys Toby, yea! I about fell out of my chair. a documentary crew followed two kids from grade school all the way to college. Beep! Pam: Okay, thats a lot of good ideas. They come when you least expect it. Did they actually say Phyllis, do you take Bob Vance of Vance Refridgeration. Lets have some laughs. These seem SO SHORT lately. I actually liked Toby this episode! I totally saw that coming. Jim is in a bad spot. Did anyone catch the HORRIBLE voiceover work when Kevin asked Toby where he found his date? I would, however, have believed if he had said something about his familys weird wedding night traditions (or something else weird that implies semi-ownership of the wife). Once again, Jim, I will take care of this. Even if Buffy did it first they did it better. I just feel like he is totally screwing up. Part of why I liked this one is because I believed that these writers would be capable of sustaining the show once will-they-or-wont-they became they have and do. Shes upset and lonely and shes made a lot of changes this year. Heres to Roy for not giving up on his love. Also, I think that a lot of people constantly compare Season 3 to Season 2 like Season 2 was some untouchable, perfect thing. Its questions like these questions will keep me up at night. i mean he was really nice to her at the wedding but cmon everyone can see her and jim love each other. She never went up to him. In both episodes he got punished for his behavior (banned from the reception hall tonight, being put in irons on the cruise) and at the end hes able to accomplish his goal (his speech to Jim on the cruise and finding Uncle Al tonight). Pam: Oh, um, no, thats um, its actually fine. What a bunch of crap! Gender Ive been a fan of this show since the beginning, and Ive had enough of this will they wont they. You know, Ill rarely comment on plot points, but this Pam bashing is getting a little ridiculous. Im sorry, it gives me no pleasure. When are we going to get to see some of those famous Beesly dance moves? Congratulations, Bob. What??!?!?!? There she is. Now as for Bob Bob Vance. I know its probably naive, but Im feebly clinging to the hope that Roy just bought Pam a cup of coffee and left her safely on her doorstep. I have seen similar couples at weddings. JAM is a chess match, and it wont be other until they checkmate each other. It came in the form of Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. She wants it to either blossom or wither and die on its own. Shows not over. Why doesnt he see it? I just thought this episode wrapped everything up in a neat little package. She clearly likes and gets along with Karen. Non-hypothetically happy and yet lying. I worry that this will drag out too long. Its frustrating, but everyone knows that they still have feelings for each other. maybe it will be a one time thing and a night Pam just regrets. At Phyllis wedding he tried way too hard to do something good and memorable (not to mention make up for his screw up as a kid at his moms wedding)just like he tried too hard to motivate someone on the cruise. I understand both of them perfectly, even though its maddening. Add to the fact that they were together for yearsthats not something you just get over in a matter of months. And Pam and Jim were friends for what, 3 years? It is unclear what happened to her after this episode. :) Also Im so glad Toby is happy! So sad. She essentially blew her chance with Jim and all Pam wants now is for him to be happy, even if it makes her miserable. ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY, come on NBC, take out one of ur sh*tty shows, so the office can have more space! Who cares if Sam and Diane get together or not. Michael: and the irony is that, after the ceremony, that dog peed on everything. Lets move it. Nice clean break. And last weeks felt like filler to me. Dwight/Angela and Ryan/Kelly were great! Kevins singing in the background had me cracking up. Callan, with comment #354 wow, I couldnt have said it any better. I think the reason that a lot of people are sensitive to the Jam soap opera is because of what happeneded in the last season finale. " Blood Drive" was voted the seventeenth-highest-rated episode out of 26 from the fifth season, according to an episode poll at the fansite OfficeTally ; the .

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